My youngest (Liam) started at his new school today. Brad and I decided to take him out of his other school due to being bullied. He is now in Year 5. I was extremely worried as he is very small for his age (only just got into size 6 clothes), has ADD and has a small speech problem therefore he is a perfect target for bullies.
Liam stated he was very nervous and scared. I dropped him off at the library and didn't get to say goodbye. I was lucky to have a friend whose child goes to the school. I cried my heart out, thinking have I done the right thing, will Liam be okay? I went home and cried, phoned DH (Brad) who stated that Liam would be alright, not understanding how I felt. Tried to get on with the housework etc. but every now and then I would start to cry. I couldn't wait to pick him up.
Yep, I hate to admit it but Brad was right, Liam had fun and I am a big sook. He was so talkative and loved his first day. I was amazed how many of the other children would say bye to Liam at the end of the day and he didn't get bullied at all. He also had a comment from some other kids in his class, telling him how cool he is. I know it is only the first day but hopefully this is a positive sign.
Declan (DS1) went back to school, Year 9. Had the attitude, didn't want to go etc, etc. Came home, stating that he disliked most of his teachers. However, at dinner he was telling us positive things about the teachers. He also had a phone call from one of his friends asking about homework, (tried to hide it from his mum).
I need to stop worrying so much and get on with my life. Now I have to go and start looking for employment. Not necessarily in teaching (although I would love too), maybe in the public service. I am really looking forward to the next few weeks and start doing some more scrapping.
thanks for reading.
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