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Tuesday, 27 February 2007

A pressie

Two blogs in one day.

I had a lovely surprise tonight. My boys had finished their tennis lessons when the gorgeous Emilie gave me a gift from a student (J) who I taught when I was doing relief. J had left the school with two weeks left to visit relatives overseas and she bought me a present back. What a great surprise!!! I must not have been that bad as a teacher (even though no one will give me a job as a teacher, not my fault). It is a wonderful 'cork' ornament. I haven't seen J since November and she is now in Year 7.

What a lucky person I am.

take care


I'm back on board


Haven't posted for a little while been busy one day and then very lazy the next.

Friday night was one of the best night I have had in a long time. It really made me realise what great friends I have and that I do need to be much nicer to them. I have to post this comment for my beautiful friend Tracey, Nicole and Renee.



I forgot to to invite them to my stamp party. So I have been slack in the friends department recently but not any more. Friday night really made me realise has lucky I am to have these people in my life (A bit of champagne helped as well). Had a great time at Donna's last night, dinner was lovely. Thanks Donna

I am madly applying for positions with the PS at the moment hoping someone will take this old used person on for a job. I have applied for 15 jobs and still going.

I have taken up a challenge to make 12 receipe cards and a tin for scrapboxx. I am really scared and worried that the people who receive my will not like it.

Anyway, I better go and keep doing my application.


Sunday, 18 February 2007

wow, what a week

What an week!!

I have started looking for work. Ringing agencies, sent out my CV and have not heard from one of them. I have two degrees and yet and can't get work. Maybe next week. Met Liam's new teacher and found out that he is so far behind his peers that she thinks he needs to have an assistant. Boy, Brad and I are very angry about this, his last school told us that was 'bright' now he is struggling. Liam is enjoying the school though so that is a bonus.

Both the boys are back to school life. Busy and active with music, orienteering and tennis. Liam now wants to learn to dance (his best friend mum runs a great dance studio). I'm not too sure but we shall see.

My sister, her DH and DD came to visit. I love it when they come. They are great people and we just love having them visit us. Her DH has offered to help us in the re-landscaping our back yard. He is a get up and go type of person. He has given us ideas on how put in the garden beds (for a vegie patch) and where to put our rain water tank (of course we don't have a tank at the moment and it is raining).

I have been doing a bit of scrapbooking this week. I will be posting them soon. I also have a 'swap' to complete from scrapboxx. I am excited and scared about doing it. I just hope I can do a good job. I am going shopping tomorrow at different scrap shops.

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort. (Herm Albright)



Sunday, 11 February 2007

tired and bored

Where did the weekend go? We went to lunch on Saturday with some friends at a local restaurant. It was great. Great food, drink and fantastic company. After that I just don't know where the rest of the week end has gone.

Declan spend most of the day at one of his friend's today while Liam, Brad and I just sat around not doing anything. Really boring at the moment. Great news though, it has rained yesterday and most of today. We have many buckets of water filled for when it doesn't rain.

My sister and family are going to visit some time this week on their way to Victoria for a gardening show. I will have to clean over the next few days but really excited.

The boys have had a great first week at school, especially Liam, which is a relief. Liam enjoys the school and the teacher and made the remark "At least the nightmare is over". I am not too sure what he meant so I will be talking with him over the next few days.

I have posted one of my favourite photos I shot when I was away last year with the orienteering squad in Victoria.

take care


Tuesday, 6 February 2007

New school for Liam

My youngest (Liam) started at his new school today. Brad and I decided to take him out of his other school due to being bullied. He is now in Year 5. I was extremely worried as he is very small for his age (only just got into size 6 clothes), has ADD and has a small speech problem therefore he is a perfect target for bullies.

Liam stated he was very nervous and scared. I dropped him off at the library and didn't get to say goodbye. I was lucky to have a friend whose child goes to the school. I cried my heart out, thinking have I done the right thing, will Liam be okay? I went home and cried, phoned DH (Brad) who stated that Liam would be alright, not understanding how I felt. Tried to get on with the housework etc. but every now and then I would start to cry. I couldn't wait to pick him up.

Yep, I hate to admit it but Brad was right, Liam had fun and I am a big sook. He was so talkative and loved his first day. I was amazed how many of the other children would say bye to Liam at the end of the day and he didn't get bullied at all. He also had a comment from some other kids in his class, telling him how cool he is. I know it is only the first day but hopefully this is a positive sign.

Declan (DS1) went back to school, Year 9. Had the attitude, didn't want to go etc, etc. Came home, stating that he disliked most of his teachers. However, at dinner he was telling us positive things about the teachers. He also had a phone call from one of his friends asking about homework, (tried to hide it from his mum).

I need to stop worrying so much and get on with my life. Now I have to go and start looking for employment. Not necessarily in teaching (although I would love too), maybe in the public service. I am really looking forward to the next few weeks and start doing some more scrapping.

thanks for reading.

Monday, 5 February 2007


Happy Birthday to my darling son, Declan. He turned 14 years today.

I still remember when he was born at 2am. He was such a beautiful baby and is growing into a beautiful man.

He is a cheeky, smart alec teenager but he still has compassion for his family. He just loves his little brother almost as much as chocolate (trust me, he really loves his chocolate). He is very intelligent, smart and good looking (I think so anyway). I just enjoy listening to his conversations with his dad and watching him will looking after animals.

His dad and I are so proud of him and just love him to bits.


(PS. Please begin to study this year, LOL)

Sunday, 4 February 2007

I'm back

Well, the school holidays are well and truly over. These holidays went extremely fast. The trip to Queensland was fantastic.
We left on Saturday 13th Jan and stay at Dad's overnight in Newcastle. We then drove to Ballina where we stayed overnight. The hotel room was not the best, relatively cheap though. The best thing was the dinner at the Mexican Restaurant. YUM, YUM, it was the best mexican food we ever had. The next day we drove to Byron Bay to have a quick look around. I really liked the area and would love to live there but it would have to be beach front (of course). Then we travelled to our holiday destination at Palm Beach.

It was great. The rooms were big, roomy and nice. It had Foxtel, (which both Liam (DS2) and I loved) and the pool was very nice and clean. The beach was only a small walk down a lane way. Nearly every morning, Declan (DS1) and I went for walks along the beach, usually before it rained. It only rained for about 1 hour in the morning. We went to the theme parks but the most fun was on the beach or in the pool. I really would love a pool but it gets to cold in the mornings. here in Canberra.

Before we knew it, it was time to go home. We didn't want to leave as we had so much fun. I have posted some photos which I will scrap over the next few weeks.

Liam starts at his new school tomorrow, he is going into year 5. Both Brad and I are very nervous and hope that this school will help Liam. Declan doesn't start until Tuesday (Year 9, OMG I must be getting old). He also turns 14 tomorrow. This time 14 years ago I was in pain!!!!! but it was worth it.

thanks for reading