Happy New Year - 2019
Well, 2019 is here and I hope everyone had a good Christmas and New Year. Here is Kiki lying within the Christmas tree. I put the Christmas tree away as she enjoys climbing it.
Here at home, I had a very quiet Christmas and even a quieter New Year. No one even had a drink yesterday.
So what has 2019 planned for me:
- I will begin to learn how to speak French with Brad. It is only a 10 week course but hopefully we both will enjoy it.
- Planning to get fitter, lose weight (I will try, I promise :) ).
- Work for at least for nine months and hopefully save enough money to have three months off towards the end of this year.
- Paint the kitchen and family room.
- Get new garage doors.
- Declutter as much as possible.
- Spend more time with people who care about me (not the ones who only ring when they want something).
- Look at my finances (yikes) and save for our trip overseas.
- Go to see the Great Barrier Reef (before it is too late plus this will be our holiday for the year).
- Get the garden in order and put in the decking that I want.
- Try to mediate more this year.
- Be kinder to myself.
- Stick to the weekly meal plan (at least 80% of the time)
Wow, the list is really long, hopefully I will achieve most off the list.
I hope everyone has a good year and it will be filled with laughter, hugs and love.