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Sunday, 31 July 2011


Well, had plans to what we was going to do today: go to the Farmers' Market (done), prepare the ground the my new wattle tree out the front (started), prepare the vegetable patch for spring (not started), plant seeds for spring (not started), clean the laundry and paint the laundry door (not started), clean out the pantry (not started) and make some soap (not started).
Why didn't we start all these jobs? Friends called that we have not seen since February and asked us to come over and help them with their new yurt. How could we resist. The yurt is amazing, it has electricity and is insulated. It is a room for their business so that they could separate business from the home. We (DH and I) fell in love with their yurt. As soon as we walked into the yurt, we were surprised at the size of it (and it was the smallest size) and how relaxing it felt. Had such fun and didn't get home until 6.00 pm. The above jobs can wait until next weekend. Thoroughly enjoyed visiting these friends, should do it more often.
Have a great Sunday night.

Saturday, 30 July 2011

Freezing Weather

This morning was freezing again however I did manage a sleep in until 7:30. The frost is thick on the ground making the ground icy. The sky is a beautiful blue however I hate the cold. Can not wait when it will be warming up again. Later today I will be starting to get ready for the spring, preparing the vegetable plots and planting seeds for the vegie patch.

I hope you all have a great Saturday.